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Cardiology Specialist

Ibrahim Helmy, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P.

Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist located in Los Angeles, CA

A cardiologist, a doctor who specializes in the heart, is a crucial part of your medical care team, helping you stay healthy to avoid life-threatening illnesses affecting the cardiovascular system. For all your cardiac care needs, look no further than the offices of board-certified cardiologist and electrophysiologist Ibrahim Helmy, MD, FACC, FACP, located in Los Angeles California. To schedule an appointment, call or click today.

Cardiology Q & A

What is cardiology?

Cardiology is a medical specialty that deals with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, together known as the cardiovascular system. Your cardiovascular system circulates blood throughout your body to deliver the oxygen and nutrients you need.

As a cardiologist, Dr. Helmy can diagnose and treat cardiovascular conditions. He helps you manage your heart health so you can prevent complications such as heart attack and stroke through medications and minimally invasive in-office procedures. Many heart conditions are directly related to your lifestyle, so Dr. Helmy also helps advise you in eating a heart-healthy diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking.

Many cardiologists have training in subspecialties. For example, Dr. Helmy is an electrophysiologist, which means he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal heart rhythms, or arrhythmias.

When should I see a cardiologist?

Many people receive referrals to a cardiologist from their primary care doctor because they’re at risk for developing heart disease. To learn more about your risk factors and how to prevent heart disease, schedule an appointment with Dr. Helmy if you have:

  • A family history of heart disease
  • High blood pressure, which increases your risk of heart attack and stroke
  • High cholesterol, which is one of the primary significant risk factors for heart disease but doesn’t cause symptoms
  • Diabetes, which can damage your blood vessels and often causes heart disease to develop at a younger age than usual
  • An irregular heart rhythm

Obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle also raise your risk of heart disease. If possible, don’t wait until you experience symptoms like chest pain to see Dr. Helmy for the first time. A preventive approach, centering on a heart-healthy lifestyle, can stop heart disease before it starts.

What should I expect from a cardiology appointment?

At your first appointment with Dr. Helmy, he performs a comprehensive physical exam and medical history, including any conditions that run in your family. To get a better understanding of your heart function, he may also conduct tests including:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): measures your heart’s electrical activity and shows abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias)
  • Cardiac stress test: shows how your heart responds to physical activity and can reveal problems with blood flow
  • Echocardiogram: an ultrasound test to assess your heart’s overall function

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Helmy at his southern California offices, call or click today.


Call today to schedule a cardiology appointment. 310-672-8209